Friday, December 31, 2010

January 1rst 12:40 Happy New Year Bi-Polar Friends.

In my last post, I was sharing about the beginnings of my ( Not so welcome) adventure with that  Disorder. .But, something I least expected happened, so I'm sharing that now.And, I'll get back 2 beginning story  tomorrow.
I really don't know when it started,but a full blown manic episode had 2 rear it's ugly head once again.
My symptoms were irritability,not sleeping well or long enough.And, there were real issues in my life that I was despairing about..But, I don't feel 2 mention them now.Cause God took care of them in a marvelous way.These are the theory's of why this took place.
According 2 my doctor, Kevin Satisky ,either my meds stopped working after being on them seven years
Or I'm toxic cause  my Lithium level is 2 high..Or, it's a combination of stress  and meds not working.
Remedy:He had me get bloodwork- waiting 4 the results.And, he started me on Seroquel XR with/Lithium
This drug is time released. U take it in evening, and it lasts all day.I'm on my 4th doseage, and I can feel it kicking that manic butt!But, a couple a days ago, I was  bad off as.I had been in 81, when this dilema started
And,it finaly hit me on the head by a 2 by 4 that there is no cure 4 Bi Polar Disorder.
It i sa bit like Cancer.In remission 4 5 years.Then come back. And on and on.
But, the doctors can treat it with meds and therapy when needed,
And,I find that a relatinship with God thrug Jess Christ is most helpful.
And,a good support system  of family and friends..
Bless U. And Sweet Dreams.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Beginning Of The End.

Well,I'm sitting here with a delicious cup of hot chocolate.Mike's aunt told me how 2 make something  so good even better.Add creamer 2 it. I prefer the Non dairy.
I have some time, so I thought I'd share what happened 2 me in 1981:
It was July of that year.And,my family decided 2 take a trip 2 GA.2 visit my folks.We live in IL.And, what I'm about 2 say next, I hope no one will take the wrong way.Because I def don't blame anyone 4 my Bi-Polar Disorder.No more than I would blame anyone 4 my Diabetes. ( But myself)Bi-Polar is a disease of the brain, a chemical imbalance. U could have the best upbringing, and still get it. It is no respecter of persons.
Anyway, we left about 10 PM,and drove straight through. I'm one who only sleeps well in my own home. So, I got no sleep on the trip there.And,  at my folks hardly any.We only stayed a couple a days, as we had plans 2 go 2 " The Jesus Jam."It was a Fest a bit like the "Cornerstone Fest "( Google), only on a smaller scale.
Leaving my folks was a very emotional experience, and we drove straight through home.My husband now knows that that wasn't a very sensitive thing 2 do. He has learned.He has grown.
Anyway,at the Jesus Jam, I began 2 be very emotional and didn't sleep much there.Our whole fellowship group went,and there was lots 2 do there. Many good Jesus bands like Barnabus, Servant, Shelter, Randall Waller band 2 name a few.It should've been a good time 4 me.But, all I could do was cry, and I talked one sister's ear off.
When we got home, I was OK 4 awhile.Then, I got bizarre at a Bible Study.This was the first time the Bi-Polar manifested with dilusional behavior.I imagined that my best friend was " Shooting daggers" at me through her eyes
Everyone thought I had demons or something.U who are diagnosed with Bi-Polar in this day and age are so fortunate, because of all the knowledge about it, and so many helpful meds.
Well, I am going 2 post this now. Going 2 fellowship.I'll write more later or tomorrow.



Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Living With Bi-Polar Disorder. By Me.

First.Why SONSHINE?Because I love JESUS, and I want 2 let the Son shine: In me, through me, around me.
Having said that, I'm here 2 tell U that being diagnosed with this disorder, handicap  if U will ,is not the end of the world.I've suffered from it 4 22 years,and I have the worst kind.Yes, there are degrees of it.
I like 2 think of Bi-Polar Disorder as a journey.Hold on 2 your hat. Cause, it's a wild ride!
My life has never been dull Rather very colorful..
I can look at it this way now.But, when I first " Got" it, there wasn't mch info about it.And, it didn't fit in2 my families Christian beliefs at all.
Tomorrow, I will share about that,as it is late, and need my beauty sleep.
I wanna share a thought that popped in2 my head recently: When U think you've got life by the balls- Look Out Here Comes an Avalanche!
U can do this. I've done it 4 22 years,and am still doing it.
Main thing is GOD loves U just as U are.Contrary 2 popular belief, God made U and He didn't do a half bad job.
So, hold yer head up high, looking 2 the  sky.
Jesus Christ loves U, and so do I.
That's all 4 now.
I would so appreciate  what U have 2 say