In my last post, I was sharing about the beginnings of my ( Not so welcome) adventure with that Disorder. .But, something I least expected happened, so I'm sharing that now.And, I'll get back 2 beginning story tomorrow.
I really don't know when it started,but a full blown manic episode had 2 rear it's ugly head once again.
My symptoms were irritability,not sleeping well or long enough.And, there were real issues in my life that I was despairing about..But, I don't feel 2 mention them now.Cause God took care of them in a marvelous way.These are the theory's of why this took place.
According 2 my doctor, Kevin Satisky ,either my meds stopped working after being on them seven years
Or I'm toxic cause my Lithium level is 2 high..Or, it's a combination of stress and meds not working.
Remedy:He had me get bloodwork- waiting 4 the results.And, he started me on Seroquel XR with/Lithium
This drug is time released. U take it in evening, and it lasts all day.I'm on my 4th doseage, and I can feel it kicking that manic butt!But, a couple a days ago, I was bad off as.I had been in 81, when this dilema started
And,it finaly hit me on the head by a 2 by 4 that there is no cure 4 Bi Polar Disorder.
It i sa bit like Cancer.In remission 4 5 years.Then come back. And on and on.
But, the doctors can treat it with meds and therapy when needed,
And,I find that a relatinship with God thrug Jess Christ is most helpful.
And,a good support system of family and friends..
Bless U. And Sweet Dreams.
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